Why go with PEI?
Your unique studio director experience provides you with a personal space to deliver a professional learning program for successful student teachers.
We work with experienced Pilates professionals to provide you with the best teachable tools you’ll need for every Pilates exercise.
The PEI team is always there to help with technical support and advice. Your success is our success!
PEI offers the complete Pilates Mat program focused directly on the teachable Pilates Mat curriculum.
Pilates Content
Our curriculum includes detailed and easy to understand explanations for all of the exercises on the mat and apparatus with moveable images and clear descriptions for studio directors and student teachers.
We cover Pilates mat and the six apparatus:
In addition to all of the exercises on this equipment, our curriculum includes training modules around:
- Advanced study of Pilates movement
- Muscle identification for each exercise
- The principles of anatomy explained simply and clearly
- Precautions and contraindications
- The science and art of sequencing
Apparatus Guides

The content includes all 7 required exercise guides (Pilates Mat, Reformer, Trapeze Table, Chair, Spine Corrector, Magic Circle, Ladder Barrel) for qualification to take the National Certification Pilates Teacher, NCPT professionally taught in easy to teach lessons.
Each guide also includes quizzes and exams that students can take for instant results, all of which you can track in the Studio Director Dashboard.
Each of the seven apparatus guides includes dozens of detailed exercise visuals and explanations. Within the guides, every exercise includes detailed exercise pics, objectives, muscle images, precautions, and the detailed learning experience necessary to be proficient at teaching Pilates exercises to future clients.

We also provide important related information including cues and anatomical notations in a complete, standalone anatomy guide. These supplemental materials also include guides on The History of Pilates and on Precautions.
Studio Director Resources

The platform includes everything you need to start your school and take your student teachers through your program from start to finish:
- Detailed advice for starting your school and advice on classroom management.
- A unique Pilates Teacher dashboard gives you complete control of your school. You can check on the progress of each of your students, including what they’ve looked at and what they have completed. This allows you to give your student teachers up to date feedback.
- A chat feature for communication between you and your students within the platform.
- Custom syllabi for your needs to ensure your program has the syllabus needed to meet your course requirements.